Wednesday 23 January 2019

Switch スイッチ

Alternative Name: 毒特搜班 (Duó Dú Tè Sōu Bān)

Genre: Action, Mystery, Polices/Detectives, Drama, Crimes


Two newbies at the Narcotic Control Department in Japan, Haru and Kai, struggle against: drug dealers, gangs, murderers, psychopaths, mysterious organizations, and mad people in general. The gentle and caring one of the group, Kai, who has problems of his own, has the tendency of turning into a lethal killing machine in certain scenarios. The way he acts changes like that of a "switch". As the two do their job, answers of what is behind Kai's strange behavior and who exactly he is, is revealed.

Episode: 2

Original Run: October 24, 2008 – February 25, 2009

Studio: Actas

1. Find Out                                    [Opening]
2. Your Hand                                 [Ending]


1. Switch
Published: January 18, 2002 – October 18, 2008
Volume: 13

2. Switch: the volume on Dragon Fruit
Published: January 28, 2013 – February 28, 2014
Volume: 2

Here is the preview:

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